GoCanvas allows you to run some simple reports from within your web portal.
The reports that GoCanvas provides online for all of our users can be found by navigating to the Account section and selecting Reports.
If you want to create custom reports with specific metrics, GoCanvas Analytics is an excellent solution that can be catered to your needs by our experts.
The Active User Report will give you the number of responses submitted by each user on each day for a specified date range.
Can be run by admins, designers, dispatchers, or reporters.
View the report or read the Help Center article, "What is the Active User Report?"
The Inactive User Report will give you a list of users who have not made a submission over a 30 day period or smaller range.
Can be run by admins.
View the report or read the Help Center article, "What is the Inactive User Report?"
The Mobile Client Version Report will show you a table of all users on your account and their device information.
Can be run by admins, designers, or reporters.
View the report or read the Help Center article, "What is the Mobile Client Version Report?"
The Reference Data Report shows what reference data is being used by which forms.
Can be run by admins.
View the report or read the Help Center article, "What is the Reference Data Report?"
The Reference Image Report shows what reference images are being used by which forms.
Can be run by admins, designers, dispatchers, and reporters.
View the report or read the Help Center article, "What is the Reference Image Report?"
The Return on Investment shows how much money you have saved since you have been using GoCanvas.
The formula used for the calculation is configurable for each organization. You can customize your own on the page.
Can be run by admins.
View the report or read the Help Center article, "How can GoCanvas save me money? (ROI)"
There are three different reports under this report. The first two reports will tell you what forms are assigned to which users or groups. The third will show you what users are assigned to which groups.
Can be run by admins.
View the report or read the Help Center article, "What is the Users, Groups, and Forms Report?"
To learn more about GoCanvas Client Engagement Services, please contact your GoCanvas Account Representative, submit a request to Sales, or submit a ticket to Support.
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