How to Assign a Form to your Users from the User's Profile

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Before a user can complete submissions, they need to have the relevant form assigned to them.

Assigning a Form from the User's Profile

This is a good option to quickly assign multiple forms to a user.

  1. Navigate to the Users page under the Account, or Department, drop down in the left navigation.
  2. Select the user’s name you want to assign forms to.
  3. Select the Form Assignments button.Profile_Form Assignment.png
  4. Scroll to the Assign Form(s) region. You can select individual forms, forms within folders, or all forms using the checkbox next to the Assign Form(s) label (uncheck the checkbox to deselect all).
  5. Determine if you want to send the user notifications about their form assignments.
  6. Save.Profile_Assign_Form_s_.png


This is a different concept than the collaborative Assignments feature. Please visit the Help Center article, "Start Using Assignments" to learn more about this flexible handoff feature for mobile users.

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