Setup a Custom Sender Email Address

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When emailing your GoCanvas generated PDF you can select a “From” email address from any user email in your account instead of having them come from

Custom Sender Email Address

This can be done on both the account level so that all emailed submissions across all forms will come from the selected address or on the form level where you can set separate addresses for each form.


Custom sender emails may not guarantee delivery as certain email providers block masked addresses. Visit the Help Center article, "Ensure Delivery of GoCanvas Emails" for our recommendations to overcome this issue.

Account Level

  1. Expand the Account drop down in the left navigation and select Account Settings.
  2. Under General Settings, select the Settings button associated with Custom Sender Email Address.Account_Account Settings_Custom Sender Email.png
  3. Under Email submission from, the admin can select from the drop down any email associated with the account. The sender email can also vary based on the User sending the submission, as is shown below.Account_Account Settings_Custom Sender Email Address GIF.gif
  4. Select Save to implement the change. Now all emailed submissions from any form in your account will come “From” the selected address.

Form Level

  1. Open the Form Settings for the form that needs a custom sender email, either by selecting the hyperlink of the name or the gear associated with the form.
  2. Under Settings, select the Settings button associated with PDF Options. Form Settings_PDF Options.png
  3. Then select Edit icon to the right of Custom Sender Email Address.Form Settings_PDF Options_Custom Sender Email Address.png
  4. Just like on the account level you will see a drop down containing all email addresses associated with your account. Select either an email or to have it vary based on the user submission.

    Form Settings_PDF Options_Custom Sender Email Address_Edit.png

Click image to enlarge.

Now the next emailed submission from that form will come “From” the selected address.

Please Note

The Custom Sender Email Address at the form level overrides the account level. 

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