Why has sales tax been added to my invoice?

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GoCanvas is required by law to collect sales tax in certain states based upon local and state regulations. 

State Sales Tax

Depending on where your company is located, as reported during the checkout process, you may see sales tax added to your billing statement or invoice. Sales Tax laws for SaaS very by state and sometimes have caveats to their application. For example, in some states, SaaS can only be taxed if there is a downloadable aspect in order to use the product. Other states have exemptions for business use and others have exemptions for personal use. 

The below list is informed by a third-party company that examines state tax laws and is by no means a static list. We encourage you to consult a tax professional that is versed in your state's tax law and application.

  • Alabama,
  • Alaska,
  • Arizona,
  • Connecticut,
  • Hawaii,
  • Kentucky,
  • Louisiana,
  • Massachusetts,
  • Michigan,
  • New Mexico,
  • New York,
  • Ohio,
  • Pennsylvania,
  • Rhode Island,
  • South Carolina,
  • South Dakota,
  • Tennessee
  • Texas,
  • Utah,
  • Vermont,
  • Washington,
  • Washington D.C.,
  • West Virginia.

States that Require Sales Tax be Collected on SaaS Purchases

Source: TaxJar


We reserve the right to update this list as dictated by changes to laws and regulations.

My Organization has Tax Exempt Status

If you qualify for tax exemption, we will be happy to refund you for taxes paid. Please contact our Billing Team at billing@gocanvas.com to request a refund.

In Order to Start the Refund Process

We will ask for a copy of your tax exempt certificate as part of the refund process.

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