Chris Crowley
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Latest activity by Chris Crowley-
Chris Crowley commented, Where is the documentation for the new v3 API? Will the new v3 API now support JSON in addition to XML?
Chris Crowley commented, Looks like white labeling is now offered.
Chris Crowley commented, That Excel spreadsheet doesn't include groups, departments, or an SSO option. It looks pretty out of date since the Mobile Device Types are: Blackberry Storm Blackberry (Bold, Curve, Pearl, etc.....
Chris Crowley created a post, Creating New Users and Assigning Departments and Groups
When creating new users, it lets you assign the user groups, but it doesn't let you assign multiple departments. Currently when creating 20 accounts, we create the accounts for the current departme...
Chris Crowley commented, Any word on getting SSO working correctly? We would love to switch our whole company over to SSO, but we can't currently until this problem is fixed. We have employees that go to remote locations w...
Chris Crowley commented, I've seen the Analytics tool. It's way overkill for something like this, which should be basic functionality.
Chris Crowley commented, We have hundreds of apps and almost a thousand users. When a user says they are having trouble with submitting or synching, I just want to open their name and see all of their recent submissions.
Chris Crowley commented, The last edited by is not as much of an issue for us anymore since we now mostly use your API to upload.
Chris Crowley commented, I just noticed today that there is a new Last Modified column in the reference data page. The icon is also different depending on if it was uploaded as a CSV or through the backend API. Thanks!!!!!
Chris Crowley commented, Thanks for your reply. Those workarounds don't really work for us. I think Static Image fields should behave the exact same way as Static Text fields. We needed to use reference images to warn the ...