Need to export data from GoCanvas? Want to automatically import information into your own system? Then the GoCanvas Web Services API is right for you.
Web Services API
The GoCanvas Web Services API was designed to be easy to use and is based upon the Representational State Transfer (REST) style of web service invocation. Our API is primarily meant to allow customers to pull down submitted information. In addition, some limited data can be pushed into the GoCanvas system for use by mobile clients.
The following materials will help you get going using the GoCanvas Web Services API and provide detailed information about how to use GoCanvas:
- GoCanvas Webservices PDF, attached below,
- Sample Java application and source code using the GoCanvas Web Services API,
- Sample .NET application and source code using the GoCanvas Web Services API.
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2 commentsPlease sign in to leave a comment.
Where is the documentation for the new v3 API?
Will the new v3 API now support JSON in addition to XML?
Hello Chris Crowley!
The good news is that V3 API supports JSON! And it is currently available by request. Please contact your Account Representative to be invited to the beta/preview and for the link to the V3 API documentation.