How to Make a Single Choice Field Editable for Mobile Users in the Builder BETA

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The Single Choice field in the Builder BETA is a very versatile field type that allows form builders to provide a list of acceptable responses within a form. However, some use cases may require users to provide responses that are not already available in the drop down list. Therefore, there is a toggle in the field settings of the single choice field type in the style of Drop Down that allows users to add choices on mobile. 

Making a Drop Down Field Editable

To give your users the ability to add their own value to a drop down list,

1. Create a new form or edit an existing form from the Forms page.

2. Add a Single Choice field to your form and select the gear icon to open the Field Settings modal for that field. Or select the gear icon on an existing field.

3.  Open Choices page within the modal and scroll to beneath the setting Default Value to the toggle for Allow users to add choices on mobile. 

BETA_Single Choice_Allow Choices on Mobile.gif

4. Save and Publish to device.

Using an Editable Drop Down Field

Once you have the field set up in the form builder, using it is easy.

1. Open up the GoCanvas application on your mobile device.

2. Select the drop down field.

3. Tap the + button at the top of the screen.

iOS_Drop Down Field.jpg

4. Type in the new value you would like.

5. Hit Apply.

iOS_Drop Down_Add Value.jpg

Note: Adding a value to an editable drop down only applies to the current submission. It will not show up as an option for other users or on future submissions unless added manually to the choices or reference data.



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