Features Exclusive to the Builder

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The Builder has multiple exclusive features that aid in faster or more effective form building.

Smart Field Recognition

Leverage smart fields to add fields fast. To add your first field to a form, select + Add Field, start typing a field label, and press Enter on your keyboard.

Adding Fields 3.gif

Undo/Redo Buttons

Admins and Designers can Undo and Redo an action in the Builder when they make a mistake or want to retrieve a recent change.

  • To undo the last action, users can click the Undo button or hold CTRL + Z (or CMD + Z on MacOS). Users can undo every action until the last publish. 

  • To redo the last action, users can click the Redo button or hold CTRL + Y (or CMD + Y on MacOS).


Preview Panel

As you create your form in the workspace area, watch in the Preview on the right side of the screen to see how your form appears on a mobile device. If you have a long form with many screens, toggle to the Screens tab to see all of the screens within your form at a higher level.

It is important to keep in mind that the only interaction available in the Preview panel is moving from one screen to another.


Testing in Browser

It's easy to build forms and test them directly from your browser! Create your form in the workspace and then Test to try out your form in a browser. Go fill it in to see if everything is working correctly. 


The Test function is a simulation of filling out a form on a mobile device and no data is being captured. If your form is complete, Save and Publish to share the form to your users to fill out on their mobile devices in the field.


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