Creating and managing Repeat Dispatches is designed to be familiar and easy to adopt.
Table of Contents
Editing Dispatches in the Assigned or Unassigned Status
Editing Dispatches in the Received Status
Create a Repeat Dispatch
Dispatch is a great way to assign jobs to your mobile workers so they know where to go, who to talk to when they get there, and what needs to be done. Once dispatch is enabled for the form, any admin, dispatcher, or designer will be able to dispatch to mobile users who are assigned to the form. These dispatches can also be recurring on a regular basis.
- Navigate to Work Hub.
- Expand the Create Dispatch drop down and select Create New.
- Fill out the following fields before continuing:
Which form would you like to use?
- Only forms with dispatch activated will appear on this list.
- Dispatch Name: This will be displayed on the Dispatch Calendar, the In Progress tab, and in the calendar invitation sent to the person assigned to the dispatch.
- Description: Additional information about the dispatch that will show up on the user's mobile device.
- Assign to: This is the user that you are assigning this dispatch to.
Which form would you like to use?
- Select the radio button for Schedule for later in order to reveal the Repeat Dispatch toggle and select the toggle to reveal those settings.
- The Date Range is the length of the individual event on the calendar. This has no bearing on when the dispatch should be completed, it's just to help admins and dispatchers keep track of their user's schedules.
Repeat is the cadence for how many times and when this dispatch will repeat. The options include:
- Daily,
- Weekdays (Mon-Fri),
- Monthly on the day of the original dispatch, i.e. the 11th as shown in the screenshot above. Keep in mind that not all months have the same number of days.
- Monthly on the numbered week and day of the original dispatch, i.e. the 2nd Wednesday as show in the screenshot above. Keep in mind that not all months will have the same number of weeks and days that land in that week.
- Yearly on the same day, i.e. December 11th as shown in the screenshot above.
- Decide the method that will determine when this repeat dispatch will end:
- On a specific date. The max is 16 months in the future.
- After a certain number of occurrences, the default is 12. The max is 500 dispatches created at one time.
- Choose whether there will be a calendar invite sent via email and when that reminder will be sent.
- Select Next in the lower right corner of the page to continue.
- On the next page, the dispatcher can pre-fill fields in the form so that when the user opens it up on their mobile device, information will already be there. The dispatcher must populate at least one field, but can fill in as many as needed.
- Select Create Dispatch at the bottom right when finished.
- Automatically, a screen will load with the details of the dispatch that was just created.
Both the In Progress tab and Upcoming tab will show the new dispatch.
Edit a Repeat Dispatch
Editing Repeat Dispatches is very similar to editing single scheduled dispatches with a few pop-ups specific to repeat dispatches. Editing can be done to dispatches that are Assigned, Unassigned, and Received from either the In Progress or the Upcoming tab, with a few caveats. Instructions for all potential processes are detailed below.
Editing Dispatches in the Assigned or Unassigned Status
In Progress Tab
- Navigate to Work Hub.
- On the In Progress tab, you'll see your list of all dispatches and active workflows.
- Dispatches that can be edited will either be labelled Assigned or Unassigned in the Status column.
- Select the hyperlink in the Form column for the dispatch you wish to edit.
- Select the Edit button in the upper right corner.
- On the first screen, edit any of the dispatch details and Next. The Repeat Dispatch settings are greyed out and cannot be edited. On the second screen, edit any of the fields of the dispatch, then Save.
Upcoming Tab: Calendar View
- Navigate to Work Hub and toggle to the Upcoming tab.
- Locate the existing dispatch on the calendar. All dispatches will show on the Calendar View and these instructions apply to dispatches accessed from the calendar.
- Only dispatches for future dates will be on the List View and that process will be similar to the instructions for the In Progress tab.
- Assigned dispatches will be only outlined in the color associated with that user. Unassigned dispatches will be solid grey.
- Select the block on the calendar to reveal a pop-up with dispatch details. Select the edit icon in the lower right corner of the pop-up.
- On the first screen, edit any of the dispatch details and Next. The Repeat Dispatch settings are greyed out and cannot be edited. On the second screen, edit any of the fields of the dispatch, then Save.
Editing Dispatches in the Received Status
In Progress Tab
In order to update a dispatch that has been Received by a user, you will need to unassign the user from the dispatch to have access to editing the information in it.
- Check the box beside the Received dispatch you'd like to edit, then select the Unassign button that pops up above the table.
A pop-up asking whether you want to unassign just This dispatch or This and following dispatches in the same repeat pattern and Save.
- Now the dispatch can be edited using the instructions for Editing Dispatches in the Assigned or Unassigned Status In Progress Tab starting with step 4.
You may then reassign the updated dispatch to the appropriate parties. A similar pop-up will ask whether you wish to reassign This dispatch or This and following dispatches in the same repeat pattern. Select the user from the drop down and Save.
Upcoming Tab: Calendar View
- Select the block on the calendar to reveal a pop-up with dispatch details. Expand the drop down menu and select Unassigned.
As soon as Unassigned is selected, a pop-up asking whether you want to unassign just This dispatch or This and following dispatches in the same repeat pattern and Reassign.
- Now the dispatch can be edited using the instructions for Editing Dispatches in the Assigned or Unassigned Status Upcoming Tab: Calendar View starting with step 4.
- You may then reassign the updated dispatch to the appropriate parties. Select the dispatch block again, expand the drop down, and select the user who will now be assigned to the dispatch.
- The same pop-up will ask whether you wish to reassign This dispatch or This and following dispatches in the same repeat pattern and Reassign.
Delete a Repeat Dispatch
In Progress Tab
- Check the box beside the dispatch you'd like to edit, then select the Trash Can button pops up above the table.
As soon as the trash can is selected, a pop-up asking whether you want to delete just This dispatch or This and following dispatches in the same repeat pattern and Save.
Upcoming Tab: Calendar View
- Select the block on the calendar to reveal a pop-up with dispatch details. Select the trash can button in the lower right corner of the pop-up.
As soon as the trash can is selected, a pop-up asking whether you want to delete just This dispatch or This and following dispatches in the same repeat pattern and Delete.
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