Using the Upcoming Tab in Work Hub

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The Dispatch Calendar experience is available in the Upcoming Tab of Work Hub. We wanted the calendar to be as familiar as possible so we have made most functionality work the same way any other online calendar works.

Upcoming Tab


Filtering Tools

On the left side of the screen is a panel for user management. Simply type a user's name into the text bar and select their name to add it to the calendar.  When you hover on a person's name you'll see a trash can and an ellipses. The trash can removes the user from the calendar and the ellipses provides a color grid to change the user's color code. Deselect the checkbox by their name to filter dispatches assigned to them off the calendar.

Trash Can Ellipses
Remove a user.png

Forms and Status

Filter the dispatches shown on the calendar by either the form name or the status of the form.

Forms Status
Filter by form.png

Create New Dispatch

You can create a new dispatch by selecting any time slot on the calendar. You will be automatically redirected to the Create Dispatch screen. Once you choose the form from the drop down menu, scroll down to see that date and time you selected will pre-fill under Schedule for later.

Visit the Help Center article, "Create a Dispatch using the Calendar view on the Upcoming Tab," to learn more.

Edit or Delete a Dispatch

Select any current dispatch to edit or delete it. When you edit it, you are able to reassign it, change the time or date, or anything else you need to change. If you delete it, your mobile user will get a notification to sync their device and the dispatch will then be removed.

Only dispatches that are not received or seen by the assigned user yet can be edited. Those un-acknowledged dispatches are designated by the squares only outlined in color. To edit a dispatch that has already been received, designated by the solid color squares, you will need to unassign the dispatch. Unassigned dispatches are designated with the color grey.



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