View and Edit Submissions on your Mobile Device

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GoCanvas users can view and edit completed submissions on Android and iOS devices.

Enabling Mobile Submission Viewing and Editing

First, enable the ability for your users to view or edit a submission on a mobile device.

  1. Navigate to the Forms page from the left navigation.
  2. Select the form you want to allow submission editing for.
  3. Scroll down to Edit & View and select Settings.Form Settings_Edit & View.png
  4. Under Mobile Use, check the boxes for Allowed to edit and/or Allowed to view PDF to give access to all users to view and/or edit their submissions on mobile.Form Settings_Edit & View_Mobile Use.png

Viewing and Editing Submissions

Once Mobile Editing is enabled, users will be able to View, Edit, or Copy any of their past submissions, even submissions from previous versions.

  1. Open the GoCanvas mobile application and login to your account.
  2. Tap the Completed button at the bottom of the screen.iOS_Completed Tab.png
  3. Find the submission you would like to view or edit. Tap the submission to reveal your options. 

iOS_Completed Tab_View Edit Copy Menu.png

  • View - View will allow you to preview the submission's PDF.
  • Edit - Edit will allow you to edit the submission.
  • Copy - Copy will create a new (duplicate) submission with the data entered from the selected submission.

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