The Three Workflow Notification Options

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The Workflow setting "What kind of notification is sent" has a few options for how a user is informed that the submission is ready for their input. 

Workflow Notifications

Typically, admins will make decide "What kind of notification is sent" when initially setting up Workflow for a form. However, once a workflow is in use, making a different choice may be necessary to better fit your team's needs. 

  1. Navigate to the Forms page from the left navigation.
  2. Select the hyperlinked name of your form or the settings gear associated with the form.
  3. Under Settings, select the Settings button associated with WorkflowForm Settings_Workflow .png
  4. Set up the handoff if there isn't one or scroll to the "What kind of notification is sent" setting and select one of the three options: Push Notification, Email, or Both. Form Settings_Workflow_What kind of notifcation.png
  5. Save.

Each handoff can be configured differently so you can ensure that the user being assigned the handoff will get the proper notification. The assigned user will then need to log in to GoCanvas on their device and synchronize to access the handoff and complete the work necessary.

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