Using Workflow

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Workflow allows you to collaborate with multiple users, one at a time, on a single submission. 

Enabling Workflow 

A common use of this functionality is to pass a submission to another user for approval before it is submitted. We call that transaction a Handoff, and you can have as many handoffs as you need within a single form.

  1. Navigate to the Forms page.
  2. Select the name of the form you wish to enable Workflow for.
  3. Under Settings, find Workflow and select the Settings button. Form Settings_Workflow .png
  4. Then check the Enable Workflow for this form? box to reveal workflow settings.

Workflow Options

Next, settings to configure workflow will become available. 

Which user ‘owns’ the submission?

This will determine which user appears in the submission as the submitter. 

Original submitter
This is the user that completes the first handoff in the workflow.
Final submitter
This is the user that completes the final handoff in the workflow, causing it to go to a completed status.
The submitter of
the handoff
This is the user that completes a specific handoff when there is more than one handoff.
Handoff name
This is the description for this "step" in the workflow. It's used for the status that is displayed on Work Hub. You'll see it when this step is complete but the whole workflow hasn't been completed
Handoff will occur after screen
Here you choose the screen that signals the handoff. After filling out the screen you choose, the user will be shown the handoff screen to send it to the next person. This can be any screen in the form except the very last screen.
Next user can edit existing data

This allows the next user to be able to edit the screens already filled out by the initial user.


If it's not checked then the data already filled out will be read-only if the next user begins at the beginning of the form. This setting is redundant if the next user begins where the handoff occurs.

Next user has the option to reject

This gives the user receiving the handoff the ability to reject a submission. They can also write a note along with it to return to the sender.


But any data filled out in the form by the user rejecting the submission will be deleted from the submission. This setting is only useful if the next user begins at the beginning of the form.

User can handoff to

This is a set of options to whom users can handoff a submission.

Email list
This a list of users pre-determined on the Workflow Settings page.
Email field
This can either be a text or drop down field that holds emails. Workflow will pull the email from this field for the handoff. This is the preferred method for reducing human error, especially when the email field is powered by reference data.
Next user begins at
Here you can choose whether the user receiving the handoff will start at the beginning of the form or at the screen where the handoff occurs.

Additional handoffs can be created by selecting Add Handoff at the bottom of the screen. A new handoff will appear and you will fill out the handoff options for this one as well. Save once all handoffs have been created.

Using Workflow

User Sending the Workflow

After filling out the screens before the selected handoff screen, the user sending the workflow will come to the submission page, the step to finalize their part of the submission.

If the form uses an Email List, all the user has to do is choose an email at the very top of the screen to send the handoff to and then tap Done. If Email Field is in use, the user only has to tap Done to complete their part of the submission.

Until the other user receives the submission, the form will say there are submissions to be sent.


The photos a user has taken for the form will be handed off to the next user with the rest of the data.

User Receiving the Workflow

The next user can begin the submission as soon as the workflow is received. Sync the GoCanvas app to pull the submission from the cloud and once refreshed, there are two tabs that indicate the forms that have steps assigned to the user.

Tasks Tab Forms Tab

Organized by due date on the Tasks tab, tap a tile to bring up a pop-up with the option to either Start or Review the tasks, or Cancel to choose another task from the list.

iOS_Tasks Tab.png

If you are given the option to reject a submission, the option will appear once you have the submission opened under the top right menu. Tap the menu button and select Reject. You will have the choice of writing a reason or comment and then you tap Reject again in the bottom right of the screen. The submission will be sent back to the user who sent it to you.

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