Bulk Upload Dispatches

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Bulk Upload in Work Hub allows admins and dispatchers to configure multiple dispatches at once to save time and prepare schedules for field workers in advance.

Bulk Upload Dispatches

  1. Navigate to Work Hub.
  2. Expand the Create Dispatch drop down and select Upload Dispatches. Select the Download button next to the form you want to create dispatches for. GoCanvas will create a CSV file for you that contains the fields (as columns) you need to assign dispatches in bulk. Upload_Dispatches.pngBulk_Dispatch_Upload_Screen.png
  3. A CSV file will be downloaded to your computer. Open it in Excel. The first three columns represent the three fields you must complete in order to assign a dispatch to a user. 
    App Name
    The form name will pre-populate in the second row based on the sample you downloaded. Drag that value down to populate more rows.

    GoCanvas Tip

    You can dispatch to multiple forms in a single file. Make sure your form name is accurate.

    Dispatch Name
    This will be displayed on the Dispatch Calendar and in the calendar invitation sent to the person assigned to the dispatch.
    This is the name of the dispatch that will show up in Work Hub and on the user's mobile device. 
    User Name
    This is the email address of the mobile worker you want to assign the dispatch to. 
  4. The columns that follow the Scheduled At column relate to how the dispatch will display on the user's device calendar. 


    The example below has the date set as 14:00 (2:00 PM). This account is located in the Eastern Time Zone which is GMT-5:00 and therefore these dispatches will be scheduled at 9:00 AM in the Dispatch Calendar. Accommodating for the difference between your time zone and UTC (GMT+00:00) in the Excel file upfront eliminates manually rescheduling every dispatch after uploading.

    This column is is used to set how long the dispatch will show up on the Dispatch Calendar, and/or the calendar the user utilizes on their devices, in minutes.
    This column affects when your users will receive an email with a calendar invite attached to it, in minutes. This allows them to add the dispatch to the calendar they use on their devices.
    Send Invite
    This column triggers a calendar invite to be sent to the user, which allows them to add the dispatch to the calendar they use on their devices.
    This column is for designating the department where the user and form are located. Filling this out is optional unless the file had forms or users in different departments.
  5. Save the file as a .csv file.

    Bulk Dispatch_Excel File Example.png

  6. Back in Work Hub, upload your file within the box with the dotted line on the right side of the page. Either drag and drop the file into box or click Browse and select the file from your computer. Finally, select Import at the bottom right of the page and the dispatches will populate in Work Hub.


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