Dispatch using Reference Data

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Use reference data when creating a dispatch to save time and prevent sending inaccurate data to the field.

Enable using Reference Data for Dispatch

First you need to enable dispatch with reference data for your form. 

  1. On the Forms page, select the name of the form for which you want to enable the feature.
  2. Under Settings, find Dispatch and select the Settings button.Form Settings_Dispatch.png
  3. Check the box next to Use Reference Data in the Dispatch Manager with this formDispatch_reference_data_setting.png
  4. Save.

Using Reference Data when Creating a Dispatch

Like with other fields in your form, using reference data when creating a dispatch will behave similarly to how it works on your mobile device. The fields powered by reference data will populate automatically when choices are selected from a drop down.

Limits to Using Reference Data when Creating a Dispatch

There are some limitations to using reference data when creating a dispatch.

File Size
There's not a hard file size limit, but having a lot of reference data dispatched within a single form may cause page load times to increase, the process to time out, or other issues.
Static Text
Static Text fields powered by reference data will not display when creating a dispatch.
Show Duplicates
Duplicates will not show in the dropdown when creating a dispatch.
Checkbox Backdoor
The checkbox backdoor will display as a dropdown when creating a dispatch.
Grouped Reference
Reference data that is divided into User Groups will not be available when creating a dispatch.
Read Only
Whatever is typed when creating a dispatch will show on mobile, overwriting any defaults or auto-captured data.
Pre-populated Grids
Information written into a pre-populated grid when creating a dispatch will overwrite the pre-populated data in the submission.

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