Assign a Form to your Users from the Legacy Builder

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Before a user can complete submissions, they need to have the relevant form assigned to them. 

Assigning a Form from the Legacy Builder

You can assign users to a form when you’re in the Legacy Builder after updating or making changes to the form.

  1. Select Publish to device in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. A modal will pop up on the screen first with Groups to assign the form to, if that is enabled, and then users to individually assign the form. 
  3. Check the box next to every user who needs the form and the option to Send Notification to users that a new version is available is in the lower left corner of the modal.
  4. Publish.



This is a different concept than the collaborative Assignments feature. Please visit the Help Center article, "Start Using Assignments" to learn more about this flexible handoff feature for mobile users.

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