Repeat a Screen in the Legacy Builder

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An integral aspect of filling out forms is the ability to collect data for lists of items. Entering list items and their details within a submission is done with a Loop Screen in the Legacy Builder.

Loop Screens

Some common examples of lists are:

  • Materials and parts required or used on site,
  • Tracking labor or time on a job site,
  • Expenses on an expense report.

Below is an example of a table on a paper form that can be recreated in GoCanvas using a Loop Screen. No two submissions will be exactly the same; some submissions will have five line items, some may have twenty. Using a loop screen allows for any number of line items when completing a submission, without adding each field to the form multiple times.

Paper Form_Table or Loop Screen Example.png

Building a Loop Screen

The first step to a well built loop screen is choosing the defining characteristic of each line item that is easiest for your team to recall while in the field. In the example above, the first column is "Item #," but the easiest characteristic for most people to recall would be the "Description." Or in a timesheet, the defining characteristic is the employee's name and not the number of hours worked, as multiple employees may have worked the same number of hours.

Loop a New Screen

  1. Create a new form or launch the Legacy Builder for an existing form.
  2. Select + Add screen under Form Outline on the right panel.
  3. Hover over the screen in the Form Outline and select the Loop icon to loop the screen. You can also apply a loop to a screen from the Screen Settings.LB_Loop a Screen.pngLB_Screen Settings_Loop a Screen.png
  4. Create your Key Field. Field types that can be key fields include Short Text, Number, Drop Down, Date, Time, and Barcode. Select Done when finished.LB_Loop a Screen_Choose Key Field.png
  5. Select the inner screen of the loop.
  6. Add the rest of the fields related to the key field that need to repeat.
  7. Save and Publish to device.


The Form Outline will display loop screens differently than standard screens for a quick visual confirmation that the loop screen is different than a standard screen. The loop screen appearance reflects the experience of filling one out on mobile. The user will first be asked to add the key field of a line item before entering a separate screen to add the details of that line item.

Loop an Existing Screen

Instead of creating a new key field, select the Use Existing Field option.

LB_Loop Existing Field.png

LB_Loop Existing Field_Use Existing Field.png

Revert a Loop Screen

You can "un-loop" a screen by hovering over the key field mini screen in the Form Outline. Select the Delete icon to un-loop the screen.

LB_Loop Screen_Delete Loop.png

Loop Screens on Mobile

  1. Tap the Add New Row button or the + icon in the top right corner of the screen to add an item to the loop screen.

    iOS_Loop Screen_Add New Row.png

  2. Next, select or type in the key value.
  3. The user will automatically be taken to another screen where additional details can be entered about the selected item. Tap Done when the fields are complete.  iOS_Loop Screen_Internal Details Screen.png
  4. The user will be returned to the main loop screen where they can add another item to the loop or tap Next to continue the submission.

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