Tasks, which are active Submissions that have been reassigned or unassigned, Dispatches, or active Workflows, can be edited, reassigned or unassigned, or deleted, depending on the type of task.
Table of Contents
Editing Dispatches in the Assigned or Unassigned Status
Unassigning or Reassigning Tasks
Edit a Dispatch
Editing can be done to dispatches that are Assigned, Unassigned, and Received from either the In Progress or the Upcoming tab, with a few caveats. Instructions for all potential processes are detailed below.
Editing Dispatches in the Assigned or Unassigned Status
In Progress Tab
- Navigate to Work Hub.
- On the In Progress tab, you'll see your list of all dispatches and active workflows.
- Dispatches that can be edited will either be labelled Assigned or Unassigned in the Status column.
- Select the hyperlink in the Form column for the dispatch you wish to edit.
- Select the Edit button in the upper right corner.
- On the first screen, edit any of the dispatch details and Next. On the second screen, edit any of the fields of the dispatch, then Save.
Upcoming Tab: Calendar View
- Navigate to Work Hub and toggle to the Upcoming tab.
- Locate the existing dispatch on the calendar. All dispatches will show on the Calendar View and these instructions apply to dispatches accessed from the calendar.
- Only dispatches for future dates will be on the List View and that process will be similar to the instructions for the In Progress tab.
- Assigned dispatches will be only outlined in the color associated with that user. Unassigned dispatches will be solid grey.
- Select the block on the calendar to reveal a pop-up with dispatch details. Select the edit icon in the lower right corner of the pop-up.
- On the first screen, edit any of the dispatch details and Next. On the second screen, edit any of the fields of the dispatch, then Save.
Unassigning or Reassigning Tasks
The instructions for the In Progress Tab apply to Reassigning and Unassigning all tasks but the Upcoming Tab: Calendar View instructions apply only to dispatches, specifically geared toward when a dispatch needs edited but is in the Received status.
In Progress Tab
In order to update a dispatch that has been Received by a user, you will need to unassign the user from the dispatch to have access to editing the information in it.
Check the box beside any task or the Received dispatch you'd like to edit, then select the Unassign button that pops up above the table. If you are simply assigning a task directly to another user, simply select the Reassign button to the left of the Unassign button.
- If it's a dispatch, it can be edited using the instructions for Editing Dispatches in the Assigned or Unassigned Status In Progress Tab starting with step 4.
- You may then reassign the updated dispatch to the appropriate parties.
Upcoming Tab: Calendar View
These instructions are required first step for editing a dispatch in the Received status.
- Select the block on the calendar to reveal a pop-up with dispatch details. Expand the drop down menu and select Unassigned.
- Now the dispatch can be edited using the instructions for Editing Dispatches in the Assigned or Unassigned Status Upcoming Tab: Calendar View starting with step 4.
- You may then reassign the updated dispatch to the appropriate parties. Select the dispatch block again, expand the drop down, and select the user who will now be assigned to the dispatch.
Delete a Task
The instructions for the In Progress Tab apply to all types of tasks, but the Upcoming Tab: Calendar View instructions apply only to Dispatches.
In Progress Tab
- Check the box beside the task you'd like to edit, then select the Trash Can button pops up above the table.
- As soon as the trash can is selected, a pop-up will confirm that you wish to delete the task, which will say "Dispatch" regardless of the task type. Click Save to confirm and the task will be deleted.
Upcoming Tab: Calendar View
- Select the block on the calendar to reveal a pop-up with dispatch details. Select the trash can icon in the lower right corner of the pop-up.
- As soon as the trash can is selected, a pop-up will confirm that you wish to delete the dispatch. Click Delete to confirm and the dispatch will be deleted.
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