Modify the Standard PDF in the Builder

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Although the Standard PDF is less customizable than the PDF Designer, there are a few settings that can be adjusted from within the Builder.

Page Breaks

You can force a page break in your Standard PDF after any field or screen in your form.

For Fields

  1. Add a field to your form or locate an existing field and select the field to open the Field Settings in the left panel.
  2. Expand the Advanced menu. The location of this setting within the Advanced menu varies based on the field and the other field specific settings. Toggle Page Break After to on to force a new page after that field.
    Builder_Field Settings_Advanced_Page Break After.png

Please Note

Page Break After is not available for the Attachment, Photo, Static Image (since this field will never appear on the PDF), or Video field type.

For Screens

  1. Add a screen to your form or locate an existing screen and select the screen to open the Screen Settings in the left panel.
  2. At the bottom of the Standard menu, toggle Page Break After to on.
    Builder_Screen Settings_Page Break After.png

Sizing Drawings, Photos, and Signatures

  1. Add or locate an existing Drawing, Photo, or Signature field and select the field to open the Field Settings in the left panel.
  2. Expand the Advanced menu.
  3. Locate the Size dropdown under Standard PDF.
  4. Select Done to close the modal and Save.
Drawing Photo Signature
Builder_Drawing_Field Settings_Advanced_Drawing Size.png
Builder_Photo_Field Settings_Advanced_Photo Size.png
Builder_Signature_Field Settings_Advanced_Signature Size.png

Tiling Images

You can set your photos so they appear as three tiles across the page. This comes in handy when you have a screen with multiple images that you would like to show left to right. However, this setting is only available on the Single Photo style.

  1. Add or locate an existing Photo field and select the field to open the Field Settings in the left panel.
  2. Expand the Advanced menu.
  3. Toggle Tile Photo to on.
    Builder_Photo_Field Settings_Advanced_Tile Photo.png

Please Note

Regardless of the image size you select, tiled images will always show as the smallest size.

Show This Field on PDF

By default, all fields are set to Always show on the PDF. The only exception to this is the Static Image field as it's intended to only be a reference image within a form.

  1. Add a field to your form or locate an existing field and select the field to open the Field Settings in the left panel.
  2. Expand the Advanced menu.
  3. Expand the drop down for Show This Field on PDF to choose alternate PDF visibility for just this field.
    Builder_Field Settings_Show this field on PDF.png

Show All Fields on PDF

By default, showing all fields is set to Always for all screens. 

  1. Add a screen to your form or locate an existing screen and select the screen to open the Screen Settings in the left panel.
  2. Near the bottom of the Standard menu, select the dropdown for Show all fields on PDF to choose alternate PDF visibility for all fields on the screen.
    Builder_Screen Settings_Show all fields on PDF.png

To learn more, visit the Help Center articles, "Hiding Fields on the Standard PDF from within the Builder" or "What is Show This Field on PDF in the Builder?"

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