Dispatch allows you to pre-populate GoCanvas forms and then assign them to any users in your account.
Dispatch Individual Jobs
Dispatch is a great way to assign jobs to your mobile workers so they know where to go, who to talk to when they get there, and what needs to be done. Once dispatch is enabled for the form, any admin, dispatcher, or designer will be able to dispatch to mobile users who are assigned to the form.
- Navigate to Projects.
- Expand the New Dispatch drop down and select Create New.
- Fill out the following fields before continuing:
Which form would you like to use?
- Only forms with dispatch activated will appear on this list.
Dispatch Name
- This will be displayed on the Dispatch Calendar, the Schedule List filtered view, and in the calendar invitation sent to the person assigned to the dispatch.
- Additional information about the dispatch that will show up on the user's mobile device.
Assign to
- This is the user that you are assigning this dispatch to.
If you would like this dispatch to be associated with a Project or Customer, please make a selection below.
- Select either the Project or Customer radio button and a drop down will appear to select a project or customer to to which the dispatch will be associated.
- None will leave the dispatch unassigned to any Project or Customer.
Which form would you like to use?
- Immediate dispatches will be sent right away, but will not be listed on the calendar. Dispatches that are Scheduled for later may not be immediately available to complete but will show on the calendar.
- Toggle off Send notification if you don't want to send a notification to the mobile user.
- Select Next in the lower right corner of the page to continue.
- On the next page, the dispatcher can pre-fill fields in the form so that when the user opens it up on their mobile device, information will already be there. The dispatcher must populate at least one field, but can fill in as many as needed.
- Select Create Dispatch at the bottom right when finished.
- Automatically, the Create Dispatch screen will reload so the dispatcher can make another dispatch if needed. If not, simply select Cancel in the lower left corner of the page to return to the Projects page.
Dispatches will be listed under the Project or Customer with which it is associated or on the Schedule List if it was not associated to a Project or Customer.
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