How do I add a Customer?

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Adding Customers and their job Sites to your GoCanvas account is the first step to start reaping the organizational benefits of the GoCanvas platform.

Customers and Sites

  1. Navigate to the Customers page from the left navigation.PM_Customers_No Customers.png
  2. Select New Customer in the upper right corner of the page. Or at the center of the page if you have no Projects yet.PM_Customers_New Customer Button.png
  3. Select Individual or Business for the Customer Type.PM_Customers_New Customer Button_Menu.png
  4. For Individuals, the New Customer modal will have fields for your customer’s First Name and Last Name. For Businesses, the modal will have a field for the Business Name.PM_Customers_New Customer_Individual Modal.pngPM_Customers_New Customer_Business Modal.png
  5. Next to Primary Site, fill in the Site Name, Address, City, State, and Zip Code.
  6. Site Code keeps all of your Sites unique. This ensures the information you track belongs to the correct Site and any information auto-filled on mobile is accurate. A unique code will automatically generate if you do not create one.


The only elements required to create a customer is the first/last name or business name and the primary site name. The following steps are optional organizational elements.

  1. A Customer Code keeps all of your customers unique. This ensures the information you track belongs to the correct Customer and any information auto-filled on mobile is accurate. A unique code will automatically generate if you do not create one.
  2. Under Customer code:
    1. On the Individual modal are fields for Role, Email, Phone, and Preference.
    2. On the business modal are fields for Contact First Name and Contact Last Name in addition to Role, Email, Phone, and Preference).
  3. Under Additional Sites, select Add Another Site to add secondary, tertiary, etc. sites.
  4. Select Create Customer in the lower right corner of the modal.

Edit a Customer

  1. Under Actions, the last column on the far right side of the page, select the Edit Customer icon.
  2. The Edit Customer modal will pop up on the screen, allowing you to edit any of the fields previously filled or left blank.
  3. Select Save Customer to close the modal.

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