The Single Choice field in the style of Boxes display all options available, from two to five choices, in a row and allows users to choose one.
Single Choice Boxes
A Single Choice field in the Style of Boxes could display Service Packages from which a user could select a single option by tapping the related box.
To configure Single Choice Boxes, open the Field Settings panel on the left side by selecting the field. From the Style drop drop, choose Boxes. Next, expand the Choices menu below. Select the number of choices (between two and five) from the drop down, and then add the choices. The Clear All option is also available in the menu to quickly remove all choices at once.
On both the Standard and Designer PDFs, Single Choice Boxes field values appear as text. When editing submission data for a Single Choice Boxes field, the data is text that can be manually input from the Submissions page on the portal.
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