Activity overview
Latest activity by BRET GRAHAM-
BRET GRAHAM created a post, Add Screen Names to Business Insights and Export reporting
In order to make the reports from BI and Export more "sortable" it would be nice if we could elect to include screen names as part of the reporting output.
BRET GRAHAM commented, Wow, this is ridiculous. This is such a simple change/enhancement and it hasn't happened for three years! What good does this community do? I think the development team owes it's customers some ti...
BRET GRAHAM commented, To Matt's point, the times that you "Publish to Testing" and then return to edit and "Publish to Testing" does increase the version. It should not increase by a full number until published, e.g. Ve...
BRET GRAHAM commented, Have you tried putting your data into a table? Here is how I got it to work for me. Download a few rows of data. Put insert a table for all the downloaded data. Added conditional formatting (I did ...
BRET GRAHAM created a post, Link Map in Business Insights to the app
It would be amazingly helpful if when I select the map in Business Insights it would remember which app that map is associated with.
BRET GRAHAM commented, Hi Lauren, I understand what you are saying about software knowledge. I don't understand what the difference is if you are creating reference data for pre-populating data entry and using reference ...
BRET GRAHAM created a post, Reference Data for Field Names
A game changer would the ability to use reference data as the field name. If I could create a list of my field names in reference data and then assign whatever attribute, e.g. date, dropdown, signa...
BRET GRAHAM commented, This looks to have been a popular request, I came here from my request for screen dividers. Any updates on this feature and or mine?
BRET GRAHAM created a post, Changes to the site June 2021
I spoke too soon when I said I was good with the appearance of the web page for the builder on the survey. I hadn't actually worked in the builder yet. I don't like the trend for all the low contra...
BRET GRAHAM commented, Hi Lauren, Yes, our company now uses departments too, but the 100+ apps I was referring to in in my department alone! We have adopted naming conventions to assist in this but the toggle would be m...