Changes to the site June 2021

I spoke too soon when I said I was good with the appearance of the web page for the builder on the survey. I hadn't actually worked in the builder yet.

I don't like the trend for all the low contrast web pages in general. Now the builder has gotten worse. You (or at least my old eyes can't) see if number fields are set for decimal places any longer just by glancing. 

Take a look at this screenshot. One field is set for decimal places. 



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  • Hey Bret,

    Thanks for raising the flag here on the Community. The updated styling for the website currently only affects the appearance of the Left-Hand Navigation within the logged-in experience. That is pictured below for your reference. No changes have been made that affect other pages or the App Builder. I suggest looking into contrast settings for your specific computer as those may help you with visibility! We are grateful for any feedback, good or constructive, that help us improve the product. 


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