If you are using a shared device, you may encounter the email field being greyed and not editable on the login screen of the GoCanvas mobile application.
Clear Data
When logging into the GoCanvas Windows Desktop Client, you may have noticed that your email is greyed out and cannot be changed. That happens when your application times out or when you attempt to logout before submissions are submitted.
GoCanvas doesn't want you to lose your work, so the application prevents you from logging out. If there is no work that you need to keep, you can clear your data and log in with a different account by following a few simple steps.
This will delete any saved or pending data from the device. Once deleted, the data cannot be recovered. Please use with caution.
You must be logged out to clear data.
- Select the Settings tab at the top of your desktop application or on the question mark next to your username.
- Select Clear Data.
- Confirm by selecting Clear Data on the popup.
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