Using the New Builder?
For each field in the Legacy Builder, you can determine how and when things are displayed on the Standard PDF output of your submission.
Show This Field on PDF
To adjust these settings, select the field you're editing and expand the More menu in the Field Settings. Then expand the Show This Field on PDF dropdown.
The field label and value will always show up on the PDF, even if it is left blank.
The field label and value entered will only show up on the PDF if you change the value from the default value, which you would set in the option called Default Value. You will find this just below the Field Label. This is great for inspections when you just want to show items that fail an inspection. Set your default value to "passed" or "ok" for all fields that are part of the inspection. If you flag an item as "failed" then it will show up because you changed the default value.
The field label and value entered will only show up on the version of the PDF sent to the e-mail addresses you specify in the Email Options settings for the form. For example, if you specify that each time you fill in a form that it always gets emailed to then this particular setting will only display the field on the version sent to that address. If your user enters a customer's email address too, then that version will NOT contain this field label and field value. This is for situations where you need someone in the office to see what was entered into a field but you don't want your customer to see it.
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