What are the Field Settings in the Legacy Builder?

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Each field has Field Settings than can be configured in the Builder that change how the mobile user is allowed to interact with the field when completing a submission.

Field Settings

Field Settings will populate in the left panel after selecting any field in the center workspace.

Multiple Field Types
Default Value
Provides an initial value of the field in the form when it is first displayed to the submitter. If there is no default specified the field will default to blank, except Date and Time field types, which will default to the current date or current time respectively. This is available for Short Text, Long Text, Number, Increment, Slider, Rating, Drop Down, Multiple Choice, Single Choice Buttons, DateTime, Barcode, and Link field types.


Date and Time fields can be set to No Default (Blank) and Time fields can be defaulted to a specific time. You must first add values to Drop Down fields before specifying the default value.

Field Mask
This Short Text and Barcode field setting requires the submitter to input text data in a specific format. There are eight different types of character masks. Each character requires the submitter to treat that position in their response a little differently.
The descriptive text above a field that is displayed to the submitter when completing a submission, telling them what information to provide in that field. The label default includes "New" in front of the field type name (i.e. "New Short Text") until a label is specified by the form builder. This is available on all field types.


Static Text field types, the label is the text that will be displayed to the submitter.

Max Character Length
This Short Text and Barcode field setting specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered as a response to a field.
Mobile Visible
Determines whether a field is visible or not visible to the submitter when filling out a form. This box is defaulted to checked. Once unchecked, the submitter will not see the field but it will show up on the submission. This is available for Short Text, Long Text, Static Text, Number, Calculation, IncrementSliderRatingSummaryDrop DownMultiple ChoiceSingle Choice BoxesMultiple Choice ButtonsDateTimeBarcodeLink, and Mirror field types.


The GPS field type has the Hidden field setting that is equivalent to Mobile Visible.

Page Break After
Starts a new page after the specified field on the Standard PDF. This is available for all field types.
PDF & Web Label
Allows a different Label to be displayed on the web (Submissions page) and the PDF (Standard or Designer) than in the form. In some instances, you may want the printed copy of the submission to display a more or less detailed label of a particular field than what is displayed to the submitter. This is available for all field types.

Place Value In

Email Body
Designates the field label(s) and value(s) that will be added to the body of auto-generated emails that the submitter can send when completing a submission. This can be checked on Short Text, Long Text, Static Text, Number, Calculation, Increment, Slider, Rating, Summary, Drop Down, Multiple Choice, Single Choice Boxes, Multiple Choice Buttons, Date, Time, Barcode, and Mirror field types.
Email Subject
Designates the field value(s), if any, that will be set as the subject of auto-generated emails that the submitter can send when returning a submission. This can be checked on Short Text, Static Text, Number, CalculationIncrement, SliderRating, Summary, Drop Down, Multiple Choice, Single Choice Boxes, Multiple Choice Buttons, Date, Time, Barcode, and Mirror field types.
PDF File Name
Designates the field value(s), if any, that will be set as the title of a PDF. This applies to both the PDFs sent in auto-generated emails (that the submitter can send when completing a submission), and the PDFs saved from the ‘Submissions’ page. This can be checked on Short Text, Static Text, Number, Calculation, Increment, Slider, Rating, Summary, Drop Down, Multiple Choice, Single Choice Boxes, Multiple Choice Buttons, Date, Time, Barcode, and Mirror field types.
Submission Name
This setting designates the field response(s), if any, that will be set as the title of the submission. This can be checked on Short Text, Static Text, Number, CalculationIncrement, Slider, Rating, Summary, Drop Down, Multiple Choice, Single Choice Boxes, Multiple Choice Buttons, Date, Time, Barcode, and Mirror field types.
Read Only
Specifies whether a field can be responded to or not. If a field is Read Only, the submitter will not be able to respond. In the case of a Barcode field, it will require the submitter to use their camera or an external device to use the field. This can be set for Short Text, Long Text, NumberIncrement, Slider, Rating, Date, Time, and Barcode field types.
Receipt Label
Allows a different Label to be printed on the receipt than is displayed in the form. In some instances, you may want to print a much less detailed label of a field than what is displayed to the submitter. This is mainly due to the lack of space on the standard receipt style paper. This is available for all field types.
Specifies whether a field value is necessary to advance to the next screen in a form. If a field is Required, any non-blank field will meet the need. This can be set for Short Text, Long Text, Number, Increment, Rating, Drop Down, Multiple Choice, Single Choice Boxes, Multiple Choice Buttons, Photo, Signature, Drawing, Date, Time, GPS, Checkbox, and Barcode field types.
Show This Field
on PDF
Determines when a field is shown on the Standard PDF based on the selected criteria. Those options include: Always, Never, Only if field is not empty, Only if default value has been changed, Only if default value has been changed & field is not empty, or Only to addresses set on the Email Options page. This is available for all field types.
Show This Field
on Web
This setting can determine when a field is shown in the web view of a submission on the Submissions tab based on the selected criteria. Those options include: Always, Never, Only if field is not empty, Only if default value has been changed, or Only if default value has been changed & field is not empty. This is available for all field types.
Determines the format for a field. You can set different formats for different types of fields. This setting can be set for Short Text, Number, Summary, Drop Down, Multiple ChoiceDate, Time, and Link fields. Here are the styles that can be set for these field types:
  • Short Text: Email and Number.
  • Number: Number and Currency.
  • Summary: Number, HH:MM, HH:MM:SS, MM:SS, and Currency.
  • Drop Down: Not Editable and Editable.
  • Multiple Choice: Radio Button and Checkbox.
  • Time: 24 hour, AM/PM, HH:MM:SS, and MM:SS.
  • Link: Button and Link.


The Calculation field type also has formatting available but it is in the Create/Edit Calculation modal. The formats include: Number, HH:MM, HH:MM:SS, MM:SS, and Currency.

Text and Number Field Types
This Calculation field setting shows the values that will be included in that calculation. Select the Create/Edit Calculation button to launch the modal to select the values, operators, and format for the final field value.
This Number field setting determines the number of decimals allowed for the field value. If the style is set to Currency, the decimal will automatically be set to 2 decimal places. If the style is set to Number, you can choose how many decimal places will be allowed by opening the More tab and selecting no limit, or from 0-6 decimal places from the drop down menu.


The number of decimal places can also be determined for a Calculation field value in the Create/Edit Calculation modal under Format.

Maximum and
Specifies the maximum and minimum values that can be entered as a response to a field. The value entered by the submitter must be less than or equal to the value entered in the Maximum and greater than or equal to the Minimum of the field. If the Maximum of a field has no value there is no upper limit for the field. This is only available for the Number, Increment, and Slider field types.
Mobile Style
Changes the size of the Long Text box within a form on a mobile device. The default is Normal but Small and Large are also options.
Number of Choices
This Single Choice Boxes field setting determines the amount of boxes needed, from 2 to 5. This must be chosen to reflect the actual number of choices so that empty boxes are not shown to the mobile user.
Summary Field
This Summary field setting is for selecting the source field that will be summarized. Only Number and Calculation fields in a Loop Screen can be summarized.
Summary Screen
This Summary field setting is for selecting the screen where the source field is located.
System Default
This Short Text field setting auto-populates a field with the submitter's Username (email), Company Name, First Name, Last Name, or Full Name.
Choices Field Types

GoCanvas Tip

Drop Down field types also have the option to Start with a common list that pre-populates with the following common lists: US State Abbreviations, US State Names, Month, Weekday, Australian State Abbreviations, Australian State Names, Canadian Province Abbreviations, and Canadian Province Names.

Provides the list of values (separated by typing enter) that will appear as possible responses to the field. This is only available for the Drop Down, Multiple Choice, Single Choice Boxes, and Multiple Choices Buttons field types.
Multimedia Field Types
Draw on Image
This Photo field setting allows the submitter to draw on the image added to the field.
Image Size
This Photo field setting determines the size of the image on the Standard PDF. The options are Smallest, Thumbnail, Small, Medium, and Largest
Image Source
This Photo field setting specifies whether you want your submitter to upload an image from their Camera Only, from their Gallery Only, or from either. The default setting is Camera or Gallery.
Reference Image
This Drawing and Static Image field setting provides a background image to either draw on or simply for the mobile user to reference.
Signature Size
This Signature field setting determines the size of the signature on the Standard PDF.
Tile Photo
This Photo field setting will tile your images on the Standard PDF with three thumbnail images across the page. This comes in handy when you have a screen with multiple images that you would like to show left to right. The tiled images will always show as the smallest size.
Unsecured Access
This Photo field setting allows you to access an image by the image URL exported in the CSV or XML without being logged into GoCanvas.
Date, Time, and Location Field Types
This GPS field setting specifies how accurate the GPS location must be in meters for the acquired coordinates. This is useful because when acquiring a location from GPS satellites, the first points reported by the hardware can often be inaccurate. By specifying a desired accuracy, GoCanvas will reject any reported location coordinates until the desired accuracy is met or until the timeout expires.
Display on PDF and
This GPS field setting determines how you want the coordinates of your location presented on the returned submission.
Force Accuracy
This GPS field setting specifies that no location will be captured if the Accuracy is not met and the Timeout has been exceeded.
Map Zoom
This GPS field setting determines the zoom of the map you see on the completed submission.
This GPS field setting determines the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for location coordinates of the desired Accuracy. If the time limit has expired, and accuracy has not been met, the location will be reported.
Other Field Types
Button Label
This Link field setting determines the text on the button that takes the mobile user to the link.
Data to include
with Payment
This Payment field setting will send an additional field value along with the transaction ID that gets sent to your Square account to help better identify payments taken in GoCanvas.
Mirror which Field?
and Mirror from
which screen?
These Mirror field settings select the specific field and the screen where the field is located that needs to be reflected on a later screen.
Payment Total Field
and Screen
These Payment field settings select the specific field and the screen where the field is located that is the source of the payment amount.

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