Date Field Formats within the Legacy Builder

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Date Field Formats within the Builder

Date fields have three different formats, or styles, from which to choose so admins and designers can decide the format that fits your organization's data collection needs.

Date Fields


This settings only affects date fields on a field-by-field basis within a form. The Help Center article "How to Set the Account Date Format" addresses updating the date format for more places across the account.

Date Format Options

i.e. 03/27/2024 or March 27 2024
i.e. 27/03/2024 or 27 March 2024
i.e. 2024/03/27 or 2024 March 27

Edit the Date Field Style

  1. Add a Date field to your form from the field library or find an existing date field.
  2. Select the field to open Field Settings in the left panel.
  3. Expand the Style drop down and select the format that you want.AFB-Date Field_Field Settings_Style.png
  4. Save and Publish to device.

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