Creating an Email Field in the Legacy Builder

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Short Text Fields in the style of Email requires a valid email address format.

Email Field

The email entered in this field will automatically be pulled into the Email Recipients list at the end of a submission. However, the mobile user can delete this email from the list unless Always email submissions to this address is checked.

Creating an Email Field

  1. Find an existing short text field for an email or add a short text field and select the field to open Field Settings in the left panel.
  2. Expand the Style drop down and select Email.AFB_Short Text_Field Settings_Style_Email.png
  3. Save and Publish to device to see it in action.

Now if the mobile user attempts to enter anything other than a valid email address in the field, an error will popup notifying that a valid email address is required.

Always Email Submissions to this Address

You also have the option to Always email submissions to this address. This will ignore what the admin has configured in the Email Options form setting. Even if the form has it's email options set to either "Cannot email the PDF to anyone" or "Can email the PDF to themselves only," this field will still send the PDF to the email captured in the field. The mobile user can also not see the email listed on the Complete Submission page under Email Submission and therefore will not be able to delete it either.

AFB_Short Text_Field Settings_Always Email.png

Please Note

The size limit for emailing a PDF Submission is 25 MB.

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