Can I use Reference Data for specific users in the Builder?

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Using Reference Data and System Defaults, reference data can be shown to only the specified user.

Reference Data and System Defaults

Sometimes Reference Data contains sensitive information that can only be viewed by specific users. First, build the Reference Data file and then follow the steps to map these fields in the Builder.

  1. Format the Reference Data file. Add a column in your spreadsheet for user email addresses. This will associate the data to the correct user.RD&I_Reference Data for Specific Users Example.png
  2. Upload your reference data file.
  3. Add a Single Line Text field and label it "Employee Email." In the Field Settings modal, scroll down the General tab, expand the drop down for System Default, and select Username.Builder_Text_Settings_System Default_Username.png
  4. Map the field to your reference data file. In this example, the "Employee Email" field is mapped like a Parent Field in addition to using a system default. Builder_Reference Data_For Specific Users_Email Field.png
  5. The second is a drop down field labelled "Customer Name" mapped to fill based on the Email field.Builder_Reference Data_For Specific Users_Second Field.png
  6. And the third field, labelled "Customer Data,"is mapped to fill based on the Customer Name field.Builder_Reference Data_For Specific Users_Third Field.png
  7. Save and Test in the browser or Publish to test on mobile.

When your users open the form, they will only be shown the information pertinent to them.

iOS_Reference Data_Specific User System Default.gif

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