Uploading Reference Data when using the Builder

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Now that we have properly formatted our reference data file, we need to upload it to the account. 

Upload on the Reference Data & Images Page

When using the Builder, the only available method for uploading Reference Data is from the Reference Data & Images page, regardless of if you are using a .csv file or a Google Sheet.

  1. Navigate to the Reference Data & Images page from the left navigation in the portal.
  2. Select Add Reference Data in the upper right corner.RD&I_Add Reference Data.png
  3. Select either Upload a CSV file or Import from Google Sheets.
  4. Name your file something recognizable and enter a Description that will aid in organization and clear identification of the file's content.RD&I_Add Reference Data_CSV.png
  5. Choose File to select a CSV from your computer.
  6. Save.


Ignore the checkbox, "Divide Reference Data among User Groups?" unless the file has been formatted for this purpose.

Now that your file has been uploaded to your account, you will not need to repeat this process in the future when updates are made to this file. Simply follow the instructions to edit existing files and only follow the above steps when an entirely unique file is added to your account. 

Next, we will map the columns in your file to the fields in your form.

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