Elements are components you can add to your PDF that don't pull from data entered in your form.
There are many reasons why text or images are not needed when completing the form but are crucial to include in the PDF output. Designing the PDF is about audience: who is this PDF meant for and what data does that audience need from the PDF? PDF Elements are the solution to including content on the PDF that would clutter up the form.
- In the PDF Designer, select the middle Elements icon on the left panel.
- The five options in the panel are Text, Image, Social, Page Break, and Submission No.
- Drag and drop the icon from the Elements tab and drag it into a section or column in the center workspace.
Static Text that appears exclusively on the PDF. Using these settings, text can reflect your brand and engage your audience with hyperlinks to your website or other content.
- Background Color
- Add a background color to the text field using the color picker or a hexadecimal code.
- Style
- Add bold, italic, or underline emphasis to the text. Each option will turn blue when selected.
- Alignment
- The text defaults to a left alignment in the field space but you can choose to align it to the center or to the right by selecting the square, which will be blue when selected.
- Web Link
- Makes the text interactive for anyone viewing the PDF on a computer. Embeds a URL in the text that links to any website of your choice and will change the text to a blue, underline hyperlink.
- Global Settings
- If a text element has Global Settings, it will default to being impacted by changes to those settings. Check the box to manipulate these settings independently.
A Static Image that appears exclusively in the PDF. Engage your audience with your company's logo, coupons, or any other image that reflects your brand. To learn more about resizing images, please visit the Help Center article, "Resize Images and Signatures in the PDF Designer."
- Upload Image
- Select Choose Files to upload an image directly from their computer.
- Image URL
- Reference a file using a URL. Referencing a file with a URL only works if someone is viewing the PDF online so most users opt for uploading an image directly.
- Web Link
- Makes the image interactive for anyone viewing the PDF on a computer. Embeds a URL in the image that links to any website of your choice.
- Global Settings
- If an image element has Global Settings, it will default to being impacted by changes to those settings. Check the box to manipulate these settings independently.
The Social icon allows you to embed links to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Angie's List, Google Reviews, Home Adviser, and Yelp accounts. It's easy to ask clients for reviews, follows, and likes when the link directly to the right page is provided to them.
To add a link to your social media account, check the box next to its icon. When checked, a place to add the URL directly to your account will reveal itself directly underneath.
- Alignment
- The icons defaults to a left alignment in the column or section but you can choose to align the icons to the center or to the right by selecting the square, which will be blue when selected.
- Global Settings
- If a social element has Global Settings, it will default to being impacted by changes to those settings. Check the box to manipulate these settings independently.
Adding page breaks is a great way to get the content you want on a single page. For example, place a page break in front of a screen where you have a Table so it always starts over on a new page and you have the best chance of all items fitting on one page.
You may find after completing more submissions that the page breaks aren't working where they are and need to be moved. Since the PDF can hold any amount of data entered, pages will break automatically to accommodate it and there is no way to know how that organically or consistently happens without submissions.
Submission numbers are controlled by the Form Setting Submission Number and are generated at the end of each unique submission based on those settings. If this option is grayed out, it means this feature is not enabled for this particular GoCanvas form. To turn it on, visit the Help Center article, "Configuring Submission Numbers."
- Background Color
- Add a background color to the submission number field using the color picker or a hexadecimal code.
- Style
- Add bold, italic, or underline emphasis to the submission number. Each option will turn blue when selected.
- Alignment
- The submission number defaults to a left alignment in the field space but you can choose to align it to the center or to the right by selecting the square, which will be blue when selected.
- Global Settings
- If a submission number has Global Settings, it will default to being impacted by changes to those settings. Check the box to manipulate these settings independently.
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