Dan Miller
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Latest activity by Dan Miller-
Dan Miller created a post, Simple PDFs - Add option to only show Header on first page.
I use the workaround for the designer PDF's to have the header only show on the first page, yet I have a few apps with loops that wont work with the designer PDF option. The simple PDF is fine for ...
Dan Miller created a post, Text Box always visable for mobile apps, even if very bottom of a busy page.
I have had issues with app pages that have a text field on the very bottom of the page. If a page has many fields, and a text field is on the very bottom, the keyboard will cover the field so you c...
Dan Miller created a post, AnsweredApp Creation, Numbers style defaults to integer only. Add decimal option for number style.
I have created many apps, many have logic built in to input and/or auto calculate fields like temperature delta T's, ect. When first using the number field type it defaults to integer only. To allo...
Dan Miller created a post, CompletedEnable Mobile Editing on Submissions for previous app versions.
As is, I have our HVAC techs submit a blank app submission at the start of the job with just the customer name to auto generate a unique submission/PO# they can use to buy materials for that job. T...