I have created many apps, many have logic built in to input and/or auto calculate fields like temperature delta T's, ect. When first using the number field type it defaults to integer only. To allow decimal input style I have to select the currency option, then go back to the number style. That is an easy workaround, just be ideal if there was an decimal style option off the get go. Would also be nice if there was an option for a post text for example adding Lbs, or PSI to the end of the input automatically.
Default Integer Number Style Below, notice the circled area.
Below, notice how number style now shows after first selecting currency style, then back to the number style. Notice the decimal that is now in the field circled. It now has a decimal in it. Same style, but this way allows decimal input for temperatures, voltages, pressures, ect. without the currency format.
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2024 Update:
The Community is getting cleaned up! If you are stumbling across this post after September of 2024, this is the most recent solution or answer to the request in this post.
To learn more, visit the Help Center article, "Configuring Decimal Places for Number Fields in the Builder."
Hi Dan,
There is a setting in number for decimal places, but it's kind of hidden. You have to click on More in the side panel:
I'm going to move this into the Building Apps category. It's definitely something that a lot of people ask about!