Configuring Decimal Places for Number Fields in the Builder

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Number fields can set how many decimal places that field will accept when users are entering data on their mobile devices.  

Configuring Fields to Allow Decimal Places

The two field types that allow for decimals are Number Fields and Calculation Fields, both standard calculations and Table Calculations. The Number field is the only one of the three field types that has a No Limit option in the drop down but both can be set to 1-6 decimal places or No Decimal Places Allowed.

  1. Select the gear icon to open the Field Settings modal, and then toggle to the More tab.
  2. Expand the Decimal Places drop down.Builder_Number_More_Decimal Places.png
  3. Set the Decimal Places dropdown to the desired number.
  4. Select Done to save changes and close the modal.


Number Fields set to Currency Style, or calculations and summaries that reference those fields, will only allow for two decimal places and the Decimal Places drop down will be greyed out.

Calculation Fields

Calculation Fields will default to the highest number of decimal places allowed by a field being used in the calculation. If you change the decimal places drop down to be lower than the highest number, the field will round down to that number of places.

Calculation Table Calculation

In addition to the Decimal Places drop down on the More tab, decimal places can also be configured on the Calculation tab by expanding the Format drop down. The selection for Number of Decimal Places is only available for the Number format and switching to a Currency or Time format will grey out or remove the Decimal Places drop down from under More.

Builder_Calculation_Format_Number_Decimal Places.png

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