Integrate an Individual Form with Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Evernote

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An integration is a connection between your form and your account on the other site. Out-of-the-box Standard Integrations allow you to connect GoCanvas forms with Box, Dropbox, Evernote, or Google Drive.

Setting Up an Integration Per Form

When you integrate your forms, a PDF of every submission will be sent to that service's account to be stored there. To integrate your form with Box, Dropbox, Evernote or Google Drive , follow the steps below:


You can only integrate with one site per form.

  1. Go to the Forms page from the left side navigation.
  2. Select the form you want to use for integration by selecting the hyperlink or the Settings gear.
  3. Under Settings, scroll to about the middle of the page to Integration Options and select the Settings button. Form_Settings_Integration_Options.png
  4. Select Activate under the site you wish to use.
  5. A dialog box will come up for you to authorize the integration. Choose Authorize.
  6. This will take you to the site you chose to integrate with. It will have you login to the website if you are not already. After this step, depending on the site you chose, the steps are a bit different.Integrations.png

Box, Dropbox, and Google Drive

  1. You will be prompted to Authorize the connection with several unique steps for each service. Then you will be taken back to the GoCanvas website and shown the Integration Wizard.
  2. Here you will need to choose a folder for the PDFs to be stored in. The default path will be /GoCanvas/your-form-name/. This means it will be stored in a folder named after you form which is in a folder named GoCanvas. You can change the path to whatever you would like.
  3. You also have an option of creating folders based on a value in the submission. If you leave this blank the PDFs will all be stored in the folder chosen above. If you choose a field then the PDFs will each be put in a folder titled by the value of that field in the submission.
    • For example: If you choose a date field, and have five submissions with the value of that date field being 6/13/22, all five of those submissions will go into a folder called 6/13/22 inside of the folder you specified above.

Save and your form is now integrated with the site you chose.


  1. On this page you can select how long you want GoCanvas to authorize the connection of the accounts. The default is one year, which is the longest time available. You can change the length to a day, a week, or 30 days by expanding the drop down menu.
  2. Select Authorize. Then you will be taken back to the GoCanvas website and the dialog box. 
  3. It will automatically create a new Notebook for you named GoCanvas, you can now choose the name of the Note you want the PDFs to go into, such as the form name that the submissions are coming from.

Save and your form is now integrated with Evernote.

Using an Integration

Once you have an integration set up, using it is easy! You fill out and submit forms just like usual. Every submission completed for the integrated form will automatically have a PDF copy saved to your Box, Dropbox, Evernote, or Google Drive account.

Other Integrations

To learn about other GoCanvas integrations, please visit:

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