Moving Submissions from one Department to Another

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In order to move submissions from one department to another, the form in the original department needs to have Web Editing turned on from the Edit & View Form Settings.

Moving Submissions

There are several steps that need to be complete before submissions can be moved to another department. 

Department Share

The first step is to make sure that the form with a submission that needs moved is also available in the new department. The first step to move submissions is to Department Share the form from the original department to the new department. The form will be locked in the new department and completely controlled by the original department.

Form Settings_Actions_Department Share.png

Edit & View

Next, allow Web Use editing for the form in the original department.

Form Settings_Edit & View_Web:Mobile:Submission Date.png


Finally, navigate to the Submissions page, select the hyperlink under the Submission Date column.

Submissions_Submission Date Hyperlink.png

At the top of the page, find the Department drop down, and select the new department from the drop down to move the submission.

Submissions_Department Drop Down.png

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