Adding Content to the Standard PDF Header

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The Standard PDF header content can be edited to include your company's information from the Account Settings page.

Standard PDF Header

Submissions_Standard PDF_Header Company Name.png
  1. Navigate to the Account Settings page, following the instructions based on your Account View. 
    • Legacy View: Navigate to the Account Settings page under the Account drop down in the left navigation. If Departments are enable, expand the Department drop down or switch to the All Department. 
      Left Navigation_Account_Account Settings.png
    • Project View: Select your username in the lower left corner of the left navigation to expand the menu and select Account. If Departments are enable, expand the Department drop down or switch to the All Department.
      Project View_Left Navigation_Username Menu_Account.png
  2. Under PDF Settings, locate Standard PDF Header and select Settings
    Account_Account Settings_Standard PDF Header.png
  3. Make the desired edits to your company name.
    Account_Account Settings_Standard PDF Header_Settings.png
  4. Save.

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