Change the Date Format in your Standard PDF Header

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One of the customization options available for Standard PDF is to change the date format in the header of the PDF.

Standard PDF Date Format

GoCanvas allows you to do some limited customization to the Standard PDF, the PDF that is automatically generated for every submission. You can upload your logo, customize the header, and change the font size of the PDF. To learn more about that, visit the Help Center article, "Customize the Standard PDF."

Submissions for a Specific Form

  1. Navigate to your Forms page and open Form Settings by selecting the hyperlink of the form name or selecting the gear icon associated with the form.
  2. In the Settings section, locate the PDF Options setting and select the Settings button. Form Settings_PDF Options.png
  3. Select the Edit icon in line with PDF Date Format.Form Settings_PDF Options_PDF Date Format.png
  4. Select your desired format from the drop down and Save.Form Settings_PDF Options_PDF Date Format_Options.png

Submissions Across All Forms

  1. From the left navigation, expand the Account drop down and select Account Settings.
  2. Under Account Time and Date Settings, find Account Date Format and select Settings.Account_Account Settings_Account Date Format.png
  3. Select your desired format from the drop down and Save.Account_Account Settings_Account Date Format_Options.png


Account Date Format customizes the date format for all configurable dates across the account, including Submission Numbering as an example. To learn more, visit the Help Center article, "How to Set the Account Date Format."

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