Setting a Background Image for a Drawing Field in the Builder

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Adding a Reference Image to the background of a drawing field allows for users to more accurately and thoroughly convey information back to the office.

Uploading the Image

Some forms require Reference Images to better convey information about the data that is being collected. Reference Images may also require annotations specific to the job or the data that is being collected.

Before you can set the background image you have to upload it to your account.

  1. Go to Reference Data & Images page.
  2. In the Reference Images area, select the Add Image button.RD_I_Add_Image.png
  3. Enter the name of the image.
  4. Select Choose file and select the image to upload.
  5. Upload.


Setting the Image

Now that your image is uploaded the next step is to set the background in the Builder.

  1. Create a new form or edit an existing form on the Forms page.
  2. Add a Drawing field to the form and select the field to open Field Settings in the left panel.
  3. Expand the Advanced menu and expand the Reference Image drop down.
  4. Select the image you uploaded.

    Builder_Drawing_Field Settings_Advanced_Reference Image.png


  5. Save and Publish to device when you are finished.

Now when your users open the drawing field on their mobile device, the image you chose will appear as the background.

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