In desperate need for custom user permissions/roles. I would like to see the ability to create a new role type and assign what permissions the role has access to i.e. New role can only see workflows and submissions and CANNOT edit apps.
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Absolutely. Custom group permissions / roles as well, and include all aspects of the system including dispatch, design, etc.
I love this request - it's such a core feature of a lot of content management systems I've used (and apparently gotten a bit spoiled by). This would cover a lot of existing feature requests, too!
YES YES YES This would solve so many road blocks we have with different departments needing access but the company not wanting them to access Privacy information or be able to edit Apps. We NEED this flexibility!
It's about time!
Desperate in need more levels of role permission.
I am adding to this request. with over 1200 licenses with 130+ departments, i simply cannot manage my department admins enough to prevent them from adding/removing users when they are not allowed to.
Thank you all for sharing your feedback on this feature request. I encourage you to keep sharing the specific uses you hope to find out of functionality like this, such as what types of permissions/restrictions you would ideally have access to enforce, and to what level (individual, department-wide, cross-company, etc).
Siobhan, i would like the ability to allow department admins to access users to be able to reset passwords (so that i do not have to help them with this) and access groups, but i need to be able to block them from adding or disabling users as this is pulling or giving to the entire group pool of licenses, which messes up our billing because there is no abilities from Canvas that allows us to pull a report on added/disabled users to go back and fix this. it is a painstaking process that has taken HOURS to go back and audit every location (160 departments) to find which one was added/disabled.
100% YES! I very much need the option of setting up a role with permissions to view only the dispatches and the calendar and to be able to create/delete dispatches. I do not want them to have the ability to view anything else - especially the app itself. This role would be like a "location admin" for the dispatches. This "location admin" is in charge of the calendar and the work only for that particular location. The overall admin would still be able to see and touch all locations and the app, etc. as it is now.
Howdy All,
Thank you so much for continuing to share detailed use case examples! I've talked with the Product Managers and they love hearing this feedback. This data is super helpful to the Product Team as they plan for future updates.
Agreed. Customized access would be ideal. For me, I want users to be able to view all submissions -- but ONLY for the apps they have access to. The all or nothing does not work well and mitigates the whole purpose of "saving time and creating efficiencies" because now only a few people have oversight access... I'm still pulling reports I shouldn't have to pull. :(
Please please please. We need this !! Thank yo.
Howdy Dayna,
Thank you for taking the time to share details on your use case and the hurdles you have encountered. Improved user roles and custom permissions are features that our Product Team wants to provide, but we do not have a timeline for this functionality.
I have shared your feedback directly with our Product Managers, making sure to emphasize the upvote counts and comments from other users on this post.
I echo this. We are in desperate need of additional roles. I want to allow our regional managers to login and view submissions (either for all users or their own employees - either way), but NOT have the ability to create or edit reference data. Did I mention desperate?
Danielle Thompson - For that specific use case (and I 100% agree that more granular, expanded permissions and roles would be helpful), I think you could try the Company Reporter role. That should give them the ability to see and create Submissions, but nothing else.
@... I tried that (created a "dummy" account to test) and still see the Reference Data & Images area :(
Well that is news to me, and very strange. Sorry I led you astray on that one.
I just want to reiterate what has been said above. Being able to give access to an individual to see dispatches without having them also have access to edit apps or change reference data is very important as we grow from 10 users in one city to 50 users in 3 cities. I envision a Microsoft folder permissions type setup, where I choose what permissions to give to each user, with general standard levels also available.
Would like the ability to do the above but also to limit an account to be able to do nothing but make new submissions. No ability to see any old submissions.
I need my team to be able to access and create dispatches, but not to edit apps or reference data.
What movement has there been on this?
Hey ya'll,
Thanks so much for checking in with this feature request as it is clearly very popular and would help a lot of people! I have forwarded these concerns to the correct teams, who love to hear about your passion for these requests. Please continue to upvote and I will be sure to follow up when I have an update.
What update do we have on this after a month? Seems like it's been dragging on for years for what is a very simple function.
It would be extremely useful to be able to have Reporters use the WorkFlow & Dispatch function. Three years and no traction on this subject is not a good look for the GoCanvas development team.
Hey Adam,
We have been very busy in development on several large projects. When we are considering this for the roadmap, I will make sure to update the community.
You clearly have a rubbish job here, trying to keep users happy while it looks to us like the development team (both of them apparently) do nothing that us end users have requested.
Even simple things like these permissions, change logs (to allow us to use GoCanvas natively to support our ISO9001 audit trail requirements) and reference data issues, all of these seem to have sat with no actions apart from empty platitudes from you poor Community Managers trying to pour oil on troubled waters.
Your development managers need to look long and hard at what you can do to keep existing users happy, before they find a platform that does what we ask for.
Has anybody on here, with these issues, found a viable alternative product?
I'm investigating Salesforce Service Module
I'm not ready to open the can of worms that is the world of software salespeople, but I wonder if ProntoForms has this ability. They are one of the main competitors of GC. If someone who is more fed up finds it can do what we need it to do, let me know.
This is a real need, I have several users that don't need to have designer access, but have to because they need to see workflow and dispatch.
Joseph Nelson it's been 3 years, don't hold your breath. Apparently their development team doesn't see the need to prioritize this.
Adam Roskowsi, FastField is another one you can look at, although, they have their own deficiencies...