(cf support request 78055)
The online 'app' management tools provide no facility to track or compare changes between versions, and the user interface and workflow for deploying 'apps' to test and production is... obscure... to say the least.
As a software developer working to integrate Canvas 'apps' with other software systems, it is frustrating that I can't manage the Canvas 'app' with the same tools, processes, and management controls that are applied to other software in related projects. The Canvas 'app' editor, and the versioning and deployment mechanisms have proven to be a constant source of errors and frustration for myself and my client.
There also doesn't obviously appear to be a mechanism where deployment and staging of 'app' updates can be automated e.g from a simple REST API, or via a command line tool.
Properly realised, this feature would allow an 'app' design to be:
* create (uploaded) via a REST API or command line tool.
* downloaded via a REST API or command line tool.
* stored in version control in a textual format (presumably, but not necessarily, XML).
* edited with a standard text editor.
* uploaded via a REST API or command line tool.
* staged from 'dev' to 'test' to 'production' via a REST API or command line tool.
I hope you will give this feature request urgent consideration.
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I agree with this request and have made a similar one prior to the field/page copy features in the editor. It would be beneficial to be able to have the forms be editable in a text format and reuploaded. The dev/test environment would also be beneficial so new forms don't have to be tested in production.
For downloading and storing in a version control, you can download the forms in an XML format. From Apps section of website, click on form to show the App Settings screen, this should be a URL like (form number changed): https://www.gocanvas.com/forms/2655807
If you append .xml to that URL, you'll get the XML version of the form: https://www.gocanvas.com/forms/2655807.xml
Thanks Matt - I didn't know you could download the form designs as XML like that!
Now I can at least store snapshots in version control and diff for changes!
Thanks for sharing the .xml trick. Still would be nice to have something to show to the bosses rather than having to walk them down every possible path that an app could take. Which is the enhancement request I just made: https://help.gocanvas.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360018901533-Export-Flow-Storyboard-of-Apps
Thanks for that XML trick.
That was just what we need to fully automate our ERP integrations.
would be a great addition at the same time as this.