Thank you for any help
My form has a screen called customer info, it has a field called customer that you can choose a customer from a drop down or add a new customer. -from the customer list reference data
There is also a looping screen call equipment type, that has a drop down field to choose the piece of equipment from the customers list of equipment. Using the customers name in the reference field of the Customers info screen to populate the list in Equipment type drop down field. -From the customers equipment list reference data.
I updated the customer and customer equipment list reference databases and now it does not recognize the customer field on the customers info screen for the equipment list to recognize.
it just pulls up every piece of equipment in the data base.
is that even understandable? :) again.. thank you for any help
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Hey Flip,
Thanks so much for reaching out from what you described it sounds like there may be an error in your Dependent Reference Data File (Help Article).
Unfortunately without getting directly into your systems, I won't be able to be certain this is how you are doing it, but the instructions in the help article should help troubleshoot. I'd recommend submitting this into a support ticket here so that they can help dig into any issue there may be!
Hazel Kral
Sr. Customer Engagement Manager