Toby Abrams
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Latest activity by Toby Abrams-
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredWhat exactly does the "Duration" column do when uploading dispatches via .csv file?
What exactly does the "Duration" column do when uploading dispatches via .csv file?
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredThe time changes when I bulk upload dispatches for the dispatch calendar
I am trying to use bulk upload in CSV format but the schedule time I enter in the file does not match with the dispatch calendar. Also, If I put 10 minutes in the file, it shows 0.166666666 on the...
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredRe-sending instructions for new users
I set up a user and they were issued with instructions but can't find them or say they didn't get them. Can I resend the welcome instructions?
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredCan I have data from conditional screens only show in the pdf name if the condition is met?
I have an app with several conditional screens. Each conditional screen has a code at the top of the screen as an identifier. I'd like to only have the code(s) show up in my PDF file name if that ...
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredPhotos added to submissions from the web aren't showing on my PDF
In my app, I added images to a couple of fields AFTER finishing them on mobile (so I edited them on the website). Weirdly, the images aren't showing on either the standard OR PDF designer versions...
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredSome questions about syncing and retired apps
Have a couple of questions: 1) When a user doesn't resync their apps and have and are using a form that has been unassigned, is the status of that form considered "retired?" We are troubleshooting ...
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredCopying dispatches between versions of our app
I have several jobs assigned in the dispatch section and we need to make some changes the to the current version of the app. If we update the app and then I copy the dispatches, will the new copied...
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredCan I print photos from my submissions?
I have submissions that have photos attached. How do I print out these photos?
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredPre-populated table with non-editable fields still allows users to delete the row
I have a pre-populated table and the fields are not editable. But when I am in the app (not as an admin, just a regular user) I am still able to see the trash can, which allows me to delete a row. ...
Toby Abrams created a post, AnsweredCan I see what version of the app my team is using?
Is it possible to determine the version of the mobile app being used by a user?