Can i link multiple submissions together to create a history on the item that we are reporting on.
Can i link multiple submissions together to create a history on the item that we are reporting on.
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Hi David.
Can you elaborate a little on what you mean?
If you want to review the data from multiple submissions, there are quite a few different options (GoCanvas Web UI search with submission data or output (PDF) review and export options, possibly GoCanvas Business Insights submission data download with or without template, possibly other options from 3rd party and/or GoCanvas customizations and / or integrations depending on what all you have set up, etc.
Hi Nathan.
I want to link other sub folders to a folder so i can track an asset history, if that makes sense.
Hi David.
Do you have something like a serial number or other unique ID in each of your submissions that you are trying to view the history for? And then one submission per asset move or asset status update?
And then you are trying to view the multiple submissions that all have to do with that same serial number or unique ID?
If that is the case, and if the submissions were all made using the same version of the app, maybe you can log in to the GoCanvas Web UI and go to Submissions >> select the App that is associated with the submissions containing the asset information you are looking for >> Advanced Search >> select the App version >> Export All.
Once you download the CSV file you can import it into your spreadsheet program and then use sort and filter options to narrow the data down / select the asset you're looking for and view its history through the submissions.
If you need data from multiple versions of the app, you may have an easier time using Business Insights with a map to allow you to pull data from multiple versions into the same spreadsheet. Here's a link to some documentation on how to use Business Insights
Does that help?