Blank Signature Field in PDF


I have a Customer Signature field which is a conditional field based on a radio button with the phrase, "Is the customer present".

When the customer is not present the field does not appear as expected. However, I would still like it to appear on the PDF Designer even if the field is blank so that I can forward to the customer and they have a space to sign it. Is this possible?



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  • Official comment

    Howdy Chase,

    This is a really cool question!  What you can do is turn off the label for the signature in the PDF.  Then, you can add a static text onto the PDF to create an artificial signature line that will always be present on the PDF, regardless of whether the signature field is present.  

    You can turn off the label by clicking on the signature field in the PDF, then clicking the "show labels" toggle on the left side under the field settings:

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