Spell Check

It would be great if Canvas had spellcheck inside the app itself.  We have a few of our techs that are using the app on Windows machines and it doesn't perform spellcheck for them and they have expressed their disapproval.  Thanks!



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  • Tara has there been any progress on this?

  • Hi Jason,

    No progress on this. If things get added to the product roadmap or we deploy new functionality, I'll respond to the original request and let people know. 


  • We have experienced the same issue.  Spell check for the "long text" inputs would be great. 

    Also a way to auto number text within the long text would be assume too!!!

  • We are experiencing issues with spell check on long text boxes as well, anything new on this front?

  • Hi Ashley,

    Thanks for checking in. No updates for this one yet, I'm afraid! I know how convenient this feature is to have on mobile, so I can imagine the absence of it in the Windows Desktop version is not ideal. I'll be sure to update this post with anything I hear and am able to share. 

    All the best,

  • Yes! Spell check is a must! The entire platform is geared towards generating forms and communicating information in written format -seams silly that this isn't built in.

  • This is an urgent need. We use GoCanvas for professional reports and delivering reports to our clients with spelling errors is... unprofessional.

  • We have noticed that the Go Canvas apps do not have their own spell check when in use. The desktop app could really benefit from this. Currently some of our company members use the windows app to create reports on a PC, and could greatly benefit from an integrated spell check program. Any chance you could make this happen?

  • Howdy All,

    Thank you for this feedback! We do not have an estimated timeline on a built-in spell check for GoCanvas, but I can absolutely see how this functionality would be helpful. I will be sure to resurface this Feature Request to our Product managers for their consideration.

  • If built-in spellcheck hasn't been developed, a Grammarly integration would be great. 

  • Hey Dusty,

    Thanks for stopping by to provide this idea for a workaround! I have noted this in the feature request for spell check and have shared it with the product team.

  • We have wanted a spell check for the desktop since we started using GoCanvas.  


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