When I click to a link to an image from an excel file, I get this: "You are not authorized to access this data." How do I view my photos?
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You have to be logged in to GoCanvas in your browser, as well as having the proper user permissions to view submissions.
Hi Angela,
By default all image fields are "secured access" only. If you do a submission and export your data to excel, you will get a weblink for all images. If you click on that weblink, and are not logged into GoCanvas when you go to that weblink, it will advise you that you are not authorized to access the data.
You can change this setting by logging into and going to the app builder for this app. Once in the app builder, click on an image field. Under settings, go to "more" and under "more" find "unsecured access". It is a checkbox. Make sure unsecured access is turned on, then publish the changes.
This won't affect previous submissions you have already uploaded. From our side, we can set up your app so that all old versions of the app are set to unsecured access. That way, your images that have already been submitted will now allow you to click on them without being signed in.
Let us know.