Testing mode app stuck on phone


I updated an app and put it in testing mode. I did some testing, and then published the new version. But the testing version of the app is still on my phone and I can't get rid of it. I've even retired the app entirely. 



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  • Official comment

    Thanks for reaching out- that floppy disc icon you see on the right hand side means that you've got a saved submission under that testing app.  As long as you've got a saved submission, GoCanvas will keep that version of the app on your device until that submission is submitted or deleted. 

    To delete your submission, tap the app in the app list, and then long press (android) or swipe (iOS) the submission to  the left to delete it. 

    Alternatively, if you've uploaded all submissions that need to be uploaded or finished, you can log out, tap settings, and then tap "clear data" to delete your local gocanvas data.  Once you log back in, you'll re-download all the current data and you shouldn't see the old app any more.

    Hope this clears things up- have  a great day!

  • Hello,

    I have been doing a lot of publishing and testing. As a result I have a lot of older versions that won't delete from my iPhone. I have deleted the older submissions, re-sync and they still remain.  The gocanvas app isn't giving me the ability to swipe with an option to delete. See screen shot below. The screen shot only captures about 1/2 of the apps... how can I get rid of the older versions of the apps? -Thank you


  • Hi Gordon,

    It definitely looks like you have saved Submissions on your device. Two options: 

    1. If those saves don't have any data that you need in them, you can click on the gear icon in the upper right and log out. When you've logged out, click the gear icon again and you should see an option to clear data. It will ask you to confirm. If you confirm that, it will delete the saved Submissions and you should be able to sync and clear those out.

    2. Click on the name of each App that has the little floppy disk next to it That will show you the saved Submission. Slide that to the left to reveal the delete button. If you delete all of them and then sync, you should also clear those out. 

    Let me know if neither of those options works for you. Thanks!

    (Edited )
  • Yep, the clear data worked. 

    2. For some reason I don't have the option to slide to the left. Using iPhone 8+ with the latest iOS.  But no matter, the gear \ logging out \ sync worked.

    Thank you!

  • Glad it worked out! I'm going to update the instructions above because I think they're out dated - you have to tap the name of the App, then you'll get a list of saved Submissions, then THOSE should slide. If this comes up again and that isn't the case, definitely let our Support Team know. 


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