Publishing a new form


the screen that is displayed when publishing a new form (publishing options) does not link up with the form options external from the app.  I believe these two should be linked.  For example, If I change the PDF logo on the screen that comes up before I publish should also change the PDF logo outside of the app in the form options.  I have published items thinking everything was done but the two feature don't talk to one another and I have missed published items.



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  • Official comment

    Hi David,

    This is a good point and I'm guessing a common frustration. When it comes to the logo/icon, there are a couple of places that you can add it, all of which mean slightly different things:

    • The place you upload it when you're saving the App applies it to the Standard PDF only.
    • The image that's displayed when looking at the list of Apps is the App Icon (though, confusingly, the button asks you to update logo - I'm going to submit a feature request about this).
    • You can also add your logo when using the PDF Designer. 
    • There's also an account-level logo (under Account > Customize) that will set the default logo for the Standard PDF only, but which you can override on an App-by-App basis. 

    The reason the two things you're referring to aren't linked is because they're different (and, in this case, have different dimension requirements). I think it would be great if the App Icon was included in that list when you're publishing your App, so I'll put that in as a feature request as well.

    Thanks as always for your feedback!

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